Hello Again! Recycled Art & Design
January 17 through May 17, 1998

The McAllen International Museum will be filled to the gills this spring with a riot of artworks and ingenious objects made from a wide variety of discarded items, the detritus of our throw-away society. Almost eight hundred pieces are on display in HELLO AGAIN! Recycled Art & Design, which opens on Sunday, January 25. The Museum is extremely grateful to sponsors Wilkinson Ray Iron & Metal, Inc. for making this exciting exhibit possible.

According to museum director John Mueller, "Innovative and often surprising products have been created from re-used and recycled materials by local, national and international artists, designers and manufacturers who embrace the philosophy and ideas behind the recycling and re-used of materials."

Aluminum cans as furniture decoration

The somewhat funky content of Hello Again is wide-ranging to say the least. There is the sheer whimsy of "Marilyn Monrobot," a voluptuous vamp made of kitchen appliances. And then there is not-quite-wearable-but-amusing clothing made of soda cans, bottle caps, safety pins, and even shredded dollar bills.

The exhibit also has a historical section, a fine art area, a fashion runway, and special interactive areas for children.

Organized by the Oakland Museum of California. Guest Curator: Susan Subtle Dintenfass.

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