What About Whales?

February 17 - May 19, 1996

How Tall Are You?
Visitor's height is measured by overhead range and result is compared to length of a whale through audio speaker.

What Does A Whale Eat?
Water tank with simulated krill and visitor manipulated sleeve mechanism to catch krill. Videotape demonstration of whale feeding.

How Does A Whale See?
Visitor looks through optical tubes demonstrating how a whale sees. Reproduction of a Richard Ellis whale painting with visitor activated simulated x-ray view of a whaleís skeleton.

How Does A Whale Breathe?
Interactive device that shows a visitors ability to hold his breath, compared with a whale's. Interactive spirometer that demonstrates the lung capacity in liters of the visitor compared with that of a whale.

Find The Fluke Game
Interactive touchscreens demonstrate the uniqueness of whale fluke patterns.

Hot & Cold - A Whaleís Watery Environment
two sets of water tanks demonstrate the range of water temperatures in the whale's habitat.

Sound Like A Whale?
Audio and visual demonstration of sounds of whales. Viewer can try to imitate various whale songsand see the resulting sound patterns on computer screen.

Why Is A Whale Shaped The Way It Is?
Wind tunnel with rotatable whale cutout demonstrates how the whale's shape cuts down its water resistance.

Zoetrope demonstrates how the whale's nostril evolved into a blowhole.

Speed of a Whale
Zoetrope shows whale's speed compared with that of humans and various animals.

Ask a Scientist
Interactive touchscreens on history, ecology, behavior, physiology, conservation with authorities on marine mammals.

Whale Migration
Zeotrope illustrates evolution of whales.

How Does a Whale Float?
Water tank with objects of identical size but different densities illustrates how whales remain buoyant in water.

Puppet Show
Videodisc 3-D puppet show with animated historical and fictional characters. Inflatable Whale fluke. Full-size soft sculpture.

Whales in Hollywood
Twelve minute movie consisting of segments of motion pictures that have dealt with whales. Species mural by Richard Ellis depicting seventeen cetanceans. A hanging sculpture of a humpback whale.

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