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These are real cool science and water links for kids and families!


Drinking Water; Kid's Stuff

A great site about conserving and protecting WATER - from E.P.A.


What's it Like Where You Live  

Learn about the habitat and environment where you and others live.


Monica the Monarch

Want to grow a butterfly? Learn how by visiting this site by Shalynn Benz


TPWD Kids Page

Full of activities for kids who LOVE TEXAS by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.


Watchlist for Kids

Audubon Adventures give kids a chance to prevent at-risks birds becoming extinct or endangered.  Explore Watchlist!

Web Sites and Web Directories

  • Kidscience - Mining Co. guide for Science/Nature
  • Science Hobbyist - links to science sites on the web
  • Science Classics - Point of Reference's science links
  • Kid's Links - links to kid's sites on the web
  • Yahooligans - web guide for kids
Copyright © 1998,1999  McAllen International Museum
This is a Kennedy Media Site.  Please report any technical difficulties .

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