World Wide Art Resources Website


Valley land fund wildlife photos

come to the McAllen International Museum

A fascinating exhibition of photographs from the Valley Land Fund Wildlife Photography Contest is now at the McAllen International Museum. The goal of this annual contest is to promote awareness and conservation of wildlife and habitat on private land by providing economic incentives to landowners. All photos must be taken in South Texas on private land, and the winning landowners share the prize money equally with the photographer.

For the 1998 contest, photographers were in the field in deep South Texas between March 1st and June 30th recording the magnificent wildlife found in the four-county area of the Lower Rio Grande Valley. They competed for $100,000 in prize money in the "Richest Wildlife Photo Contest" ever held. There were six divisions: Birds, Mammals, Insects & Arachnids, Reptiles and Amphibians, Scenic with Wildlife, and Special Categories. To compete for the grand prizes, photographers had be proficient in all categories. In 1998, the contest attracted 140 of the world's best wildlife photographers representing 19 states and Mexico. The over 250,000 acres of land they photographed represent the largest portion of remaining wildlife habitat in the Rio Grande Valley.

Everyone who views these photographs will become aware of the unique and beautiful wild creatures that share our region. "Valley Land Fund Wildlife Photography" will be at the McAllen International Museum from 26 November 1999 to 13 February 2000.

Copyright © 1998,1999  McAllen International Museum
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