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Nature View

Create food stations to attract Local  birds to your backyard.

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Have you been to your backyard lately?
See anything interesting?
A wild Chaclalaca? 
A Great Kiskidee?
A grackle or a Chihuan Raven? 
What about the elusive mexican Parrot? 

You can see all these and more by setting up special areas for feeding in your backyard.


Gather peanut butter, bird seed, and bread. 

Coat one side of the bread with peanut butter.  Then cover with birdseed.

Wrap string around th bread then hang outside under trees or other areas of cover. 

Over the next few days keep a careful watch over your backyard. 

What animals do you see?
Can you idnetify them?

If not, check out your local library for bird books, especially those native to your region.

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